People around the world witnessed the magnificent bodies of Olympic athletes marked by strange purple circles within their finely chiseled muscles. These circles are the residual marks of an ancient form of medicine called cupping. It's a little known fact, but all cultures used cupping for healing. Unfortunately, many of them stopped the practice thinking modern medicine was more effective than a folk remedy. That is until the 2016 Olympic Games!
Pleasanton, California, August 23, 2016 (Newswire.com) - People around the world witnessed the magnificent bodies of Olympic athletes marked by strange purple circles within their finely chiseled muscles. These circles are the residual marks of an ancient form of medicine called cupping. It’s a little known fact, but all cultures used cupping for healing. Unfortunately, many of them stopped the practice thinking modern medicine was more effective than a folk remedy. That is until the 2016 Olympic Games!
China was one culture that did not toss cupping to the wayside. They used cupping for all kinds of conditions, like painful muscles and infections. It’s non-invasive and drug free and by golly it works! So much so that sports trainers/therapists are using it on world class athletes.
Think you might want to try cupping? Here are a few facts to consider.
Cupping is great therapy!
The technique of Cupping creates a vacuum inside a plastic or glass bell-shaped cup which is applied to the body. The cups remain on the body for only a few short minutes.
What does cupping do?
The suction created by the cups allows blood and energy called Qi, pronounced “chee” in Traditional Chinese Medicine, to flow where it wasn’t flowing so well. Skin, connective tissue and muscle are sucked into the cup breaking up stagnation of blood and Qi in the area and giving relief.
What is cupping used for?
Cupping is great for tired overworked muscles! While all your muscle cells are always working for you, they also continue to produce waste products. Tight muscles from overuse and stress, inhibit blood flow. That means that the muscles aren’t receiving the new fresh blood they need, nor is the blood picking up all the waste. Cupping breaks up the tight muscles and allows blood to flow freely, getting rid of pain and toxins.
Cupping can be used for the following:
· All types of body pain
· Colds, flu and cleaning phlegm out of the lungs
· Infections and disease conditions of the skin
· Anti-aging technique for the face
· Supports the immune system by moving lymphatic fluid through the tissue
· Detoxifying the body of toxins, dead cells and other debris
· Simple relaxation.
Like all things in life, there is a right way to do cupping and a not so right way. By the looks of the marks on the athletes, the cupping was probably done by some trainers who could use a cupping class. One purple mark all by its lonesome is NOT proper cupping!
Proper cupping uses a technique where an area is cupped using several cups at once. Wherever there is discoloration, new cups are applied just adjacent to the colored areas. The process is continued until there is no more discoloration. This allows the entire area to be cleaned and revitalized. So if someone just throws one cup on you and calls it a therapy, you know didn’t receive the real benefits of cupping therapy.
The take home message of cupping is that its very beneficial for the body! It cleans & revitalizes, as well as brings relief from pain. Just be sure to go to a trained and licensed practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine to get the best treatment.
Source: Trinity Acupuncture