Danville, California, September 24, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Exercise and active play is essential for kid’s development, maintaining a healthy weight, building strong bones and muscles, and keeping a happy mind. But with the popularity of fun activities that involve a lot of sitting still, such as watching TV, playing computer or cell phone games or surfing the web, many kids don’t get the amount of activity each day that they should be getting.
The Department of Health and Human Services says that children and adolescents age 6 and older need at least an hour a day of physical activity, most of which should be moderate to vigorous physical activity. But it seems that children are getting less and less activity which produces negative consequences for physical and mental health.
Here we look at 6 ways kids can get more activity in their days without getting bored.
Attend an Active After School Program
After school finishes is the perfect time for kids to take up active play, but often kids come home to sit straight in front of the computer or T.V., missing this opportunity for activity in their day. For some families, after school care is a necessity as both parents may work and are not able to pick children up from school. So why not combine safe after school care and supervision with fun active play with friends?
Afterschool activities keep kids active through the afternoon which is perfect after a day of sitting at the school desk. After school activities also help kids to connect with friends, learn new skills and just have fun while being active as well.
Join a Fitness Class
If your kids prefer a more structured approach to activity, why not try some kid’s fitness classes? These expertly led and structured classes allow kids to develop and refine motor skills and movement techniques, and there’s a style and type of exercise for every child. Try yoga for kids, or circuit training to build speed and strength. Targeted strength training for kids can help build and develop muscle tone at this crucial stage of life.
Fitness classes with friends and other children are an ideal way to include fun, yet targeted fitness training in kids’ days.
Spend Time At the Park or Playground
Incorporate more activity into your everyday routine or leisure time, by making sure you stop off at the local park or playground for some active play. Many kids will find their creativity and activity takes off on its own when confronted with a jungle gym or sandbox, so head to the park or playground whenever you can to incorporate more activity into every day.
Supply Kids With Active Toys
Toys, sports equipment, and other aids for activity help encourage children to want to spend time off the couch and involved in active play. Provide children with balls and sports equipment, or specific toys and games that require activity. Not only can these help keep kids occupied for hours, it also means they are spending their time developing essential fitness skills and staying active.
Keeping kids active everyday can seem like a challenge, but with a little planning and encouragement, kids can really make the most of their free time to spend in active play, developing both mind and body.
Source: Modern Recess